Inspiring Worship

Evangelical Preaching

Discipleship Teaching

Everyday Holiness


Donate to Firefest


To support of sponsored Charities Grow UK and All We Can donate by Text
To support the ongoing work of Summerfire’s Firefest event donate by Bank Transfer or Cheque

Donate by Text


Text REALLOVE 10 TO 70085 to donate £10 or Text REALLOVE 20 TO 70085 to donate £20 

However much you add after the REALLOVE will be your giving amount.  You will recieve a connfirmation message.


Donate by Transfer or Cheque

For those wanting to make a contribution to the Firefest Live Expenses

Internet banking details:  Sort code 40-42-30 a/c no 31398601
Cheques can be made payable to ‘Southport Methodist Holiness Convention’ and sent to:
Firefest, c/o 11 Marshside Road, Southport, PR9 9TL.